Category: Information for Adult Children

How Prepared Are You If Your Spouse Dies? A Guide

reverse mortgage loveland fort collins greeley longmont coloradoRegardless of age, losing a spouse is difficult – and the impending “business” that comes along with it doesn’t make it any easier.  This is why we should all ask ourselves at some point, “Am I prepared if my spouse dies?”.  There are so many various aspects to being “prepared”, and although I can’t help with many of them, I can help with some simple suggestions to making sure you aren’t stuck with unexpected questions.

It’s not uncommon in marriages or partnered relationships for each spouse to take care of different bookkeeping tasks.  For example, it’s very common for the husband to manage retirements funds – pensions, IRA’s, etc.  While the wife may handle personal address books or paying bills.  Take a minute and think about this?  Not only what  you may not know, but what your spouse may not know.

Here are some suggestions to putting this information in order:

• Begin by making a list over a week or two, and ideally an entire month.  Make note of what “business” you do.  How many passwords did you need online?  How many account numbers on the phone?  What about PINs?  The results may surprise you.  In today’s high tech yet overly scammed world, everything is secured under lock and key.

•  Although it is best if both spouses can contribute to this exercise it is not a requirement.  Either way, spend some time brainstorming together.  We often will remember things when discussing them with someone else.

• It’s important to make a physical list of this information, whether typed or handwritten.  What you shouldn’t do though is save this information online.  Hackers will seek data that includes account numbers, logins, and passwords and this could lead to compromising your accounts and even identity theft.  Even if you think it’s secure, there really is little guarantee that is true.  Keeping this list with your most important documents – such as birth certificates, titles to homes and vehicles, etc – is going to be your safest bet, but make sure both spouses know where to find it.

What to include on your list:

Name and phone number of company, account numbers and any PINs associated.  If using online management of account, include website URLs of where to login, login name and password, and any auto pay information.  If there are specific people you work with at these companies, include their names.

If only one spouse is listed on the account, make an effort to add the other one.  I recently witnessed an elderly woman at the DMV who was unable to renew her driver’s license because all the mail that came to the home was in her husband’s name.  This is more common than many people realize – and often they don’t even know until they’re caught in jam.

• Home loan
• Home insurance
• Car loan
• Car insurance policies
• Health insurance policies
• Life insurance policies
• Bank accounts
• Credit card accounts
• Pension, IRA, annuities, etc
• Utilities – electric, water, gas, phone, trash
• Facebook, LinkedIn, etc
• Contact information for family and friends
• Contact information of bankers, retirement or financial planners, loan officers
• Contact information for doctors, dentists, pharmacies, veterinarians, etc (and a little info about what each one is for)

These lists will vary from person to person, so make sure to add your own ideas.  Also be sure to update it when anything changes or is added – because hopefully you won’t need it for quite a few more years!

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado, as well as the Cheyenne and Laramie communities of Wyoming.  Contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Here’s What Married Couples Need To Know About Reverse Mortgages

reverse mortgage loveland fort collins greeley longmont westminster coloradoIt’s not uncommon to hear heartbreaking stories of reverse mortgages that left a spouse in dire straits after the other spouse passed away.  How could this happen?  Is it something that you need to worry about?  If you and your spouse are considering obtaining a reverse mortgage, it’s important to understand the long term effect it could have on either spouse once the other passes away, and feel confident any appropriate protections are in place.

What Married Couples Need to Know 

When applying for a reverse mortgage the amount of money you can receive is calculated according to the age of the youngest borrower.  The older the borrower, the more money is available from the lender.

If both homeowners are over the age of 62, both homeowners can be on a reverse mortgage loan.  If both spouses are on the loan, the loan continues if either passes away and will continue until both borrowers have passed.

Another scenario to consider is if a borrower obtains a reverse mortgage and then remarries.  If this was to happen, it wouldn’t be unheard of for the married couple to live in the home for 20 or more years before the borrower passes.  At this time the new spouse would not be protected under the existing reverse mortgage loan.  If you have reverse mortgage and you remarry, you could consider looking into refinancing the reverse mortgage and adding the new spouse to the loan.

And yet one more thing to note is the possibility one spouse needs to move out of the home into an assisted living facility due to health concerns.  If this happens, as long as the spouse that remains in the home is on the loan, they can continue under their current reverse mortgage.

Bottom line: If you are married and are considering obtaining a reverse mortgage, it is extremely important to work with a trusted and experienced reverse mortgage specialist who can easily answer all of your questions and address any concerns you may have.  Making sure both spouses are protected should be a lender’s top priority.

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado, as well as the Cheyenne and Laramie communities of Wyoming.  Contact Jan to learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

The Reverse Mortgage Line Of Credit Is Increasing In Popularity – Here’s Why

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Financial PlanningThe HECM Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit is still relatively new, and to this day many within the financial and retirement industries haven’t fully grasped how it works.  Well, they need to get on board because consumers are interested – and they should be.  Here’s why..

First, what is a line of credit?  Simply put, a line of credit are funds available to you through a financial institution that you can access as needed, or not at all if the need doesn’t arise.  Interest is not acquired if the funds are not used.  This makes line of credit options excellent safety nets, especially for the purpose of creative retirement strategy.

When looking at a HECM Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit, the two are obviously intertwined, meaning the qualification requirements for any reverse mortgage still apply.  These are: age 62 and over, using your primary residence for the loan, this home must meet HUD’s guidelines and needs to be either paid off or have substantial equity, and the borrower must have the financial capability to continue to pay homeowners insurance, property taxes, and the like. Because there are various options to receive the payout from a reverse mortgage, the line of credit is only one of them.

When you have a reverse mortgage line of credit, you have money that is available to you — but you only accrue interest on the money you withdraw.  This means the reverse mortgage line of credit can act as an excellent back up source of funds or can be used for retirement fun, whether it be vacation, spoiling grandchildren, or knowing you have the funds available when you’re ready to take on new ventures.

There are other benefits though.  This line of credit is pretty astounding beyond just being a safety net.

Growth: Not only are you not paying interest, but your untouched reverse mortgage line of credit can grow in value. Money in a reverse mortgage line of credit grows at the same rate as the interest rate on the loan PLUS 1.25% monthly.  So, if the interest rate on your reverse mortgage is 2.50%, then your line of credit will grow at 3.75% (2.50% + 1.25%).

Unique: This growth is unique to reverse mortgage lines of credit — a HELOC for example does not grow.

Hedge Against Falling House Prices: The growth in a reverse mortgage line of credit is guaranteed — without withdrawals, your line of credit is guaranteed to grow.  This means you lock in the current value of your home without taking out an interest acruing loan.

Pretty great, isn’t it?

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Erie, Firestone, Fort Lupton, Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

USA Today: Retirement In The Time Of Coronavirus

reverse mortgage loveland fort collins greeley longmont westminster coloradoFor most people, achieving a comfortable retirement is a tricky business. The past few weeks have added to the challenges as the world has changed as much as in any period since WWII. The world is now fighting the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19, as well as the measures taken to slow the spread of the disease, have caused financial and health crises worldwide and have especially affected those who are older than 60. This has made financial and other life decisions for seniors and those planning for retirement infinitely more complicated than they were just two months ago.

24/7 Wall St. looked at the challenges and opportunities people should consider as they move into retirement, particularly at a time of great upheaval and insecurity. This piece is intended to help those who are facing retirement today make choices to best secure their future as the economy collapses to a level last matched at the end of The Great Depression.

In this USA Today article you will find information about 401k contributions, IRAs, Social Security, Reverse Mortgage, downsizing, debt and fixed incomes, and more.   Read the entire article here:

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Erie, Dacono, Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado, as well as the Cheyenne and Laramie communities of Wyoming.  Contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

What’s Older Americans Need To Know About Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

reverse mortgage loveland fort collins greeley longmont westminster coloradoAs part of the coronavirus relief program (CARES Act), millions of Americans are already receiving stimulus funds, and millions will continue to do get them over the coming weeks.  The amount an individual will receive depends on their marital status, if they have dependents, and how much income they had in 2018 or 2019. 

Those who receive Social Security benefits will be included in the recipients.  Here’s what they need to know:

1) If you’re collecting Social Security benefits of any kind you are eligible to receive a stimulus check.  This includes retirement benefits, disability benefits, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 

You will also need to meet the other eligibility requirements.  Those are: 

  • You cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
  • In order to receive the full $1,200 stimulus check, you must have an adjusted gross income of less than $75,000 per year (for individuals), $112,500 per year (for heads of household), or $150,000 per year (for married couples filing jointly). If you’re earning more than those limits, you’ll either receive a smaller check or no check at all.

2)  Most Americans will need to have filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return to receive their stimulus checks, but that rule doesn’t apply to Social Security beneficiaries.  The Treasury Department has said it will use the information the Social Security Administration already has on file to determine who is eligible to receive the checks.  That means if you’re currently receiving benefits, you shouldn’t need to do anything to get your check. If you normally receive your benefits via direct deposit, that’s how you’ll receive your check as well. If your benefits come in the mail via paper check, you’ll receive a paper stimulus check.

3)  With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans have become prime targets for scammers, and unfortunately this is even more serious among senior citizens.  One of the most prevalent are Social Security scams where a fraudster will call, email, or send letters to beneficiaries telling them their monthly checks have been suspended because of COVID-19. Fraudsters will then demand the senior citizen’s personal information or “require” they make a payment to get your benefits reinstated, thus stealing critical personal and financial information.  It’s important every day, but especially important right now to be extra cautious.  Here are my tips to watching out for scams. 

More information can be found at:

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Erie, Dacono, Fort Lupton and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Quick Facts About Reverse Mortgages

Quick Facts

Colorado seniors - enjoy access to part of the equity in your home and the freedom and comfort of your home with a Reverse Mortgage from Jan Jordan.Are you wondering if you or someone you love may qualify for a reverse mortgage and how the process works?

Here are some fast facts to help. Reverse mortgages are available to many senior homeowners and the funds are yours to do with what you wish.

Do I qualify?

• Age 62 or older
• The home you own must be your primary residence
• Have enough equity in the home to pay off existing mortgage (if applicable)
• Married couples are eligible to both be on the loan if both borrowers are age 62 or older (if only one spouse is age qualified, then only that spouse can be on the loan)

How much money can I receive?

• The older you are the more money you can receive with the calculation based on the age of the youngest borrower
• The amount you can receive is based partly on the appraised value of your home
• The current interest rate will also be a factor in the amount of money you can receive with interest rates changing weekly

How do I receive the money?

• Fixed monthly payments
• Lump sum payment
• Line of credit
• A combination of the options above
• Reverse Mortgage for Purchase

Who will own my home after if I get a reverse mortgage?

• YOU!  You will always remain the homeowner and always retain the title

What will my personal ongoing obligations be after obtaining a reverse mortgage?

The homeowner will be responsible for:

• Property taxes
• Homeowner’s insurance
• HOA fees (when applicable)
• Basic upkeep and utility payments

When does the loan become due and payable?

A reverse mortgage does not reach “maturity” until:

• the last remaining borrower passes away
• the homeowner sells the home
• the last remaining borrower leaves the home for 12 consecutive months

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

How A Reverse Mortgage Can Eliminate Traditional Mortgage Payments

reverse mortgage colorado fort collins lovelandIt’s not uncommon that I get questions about why a senior may want to use a reverse mortgage to pay off an existing conventional mortgage loan.  This scenario would vary from person to person, but in the long run, if the equity in the home can eliminate a mortgage payment without acquiring another loan payment, it’s often a win-win. 

A reverse mortgage is essentially a home equity loan in which the borrower is not required to make payments. The homeowner must be at least 62 years old and meet certain income and credit guidelines.  Although a reverse mortgage does accrue interest, it does not have to be repaid until the last borrower passes away or leaves the home permanently. Almost all of these loans are FHA insured.  There are certain things like property taxes and HOA fees which the homeowner will still be responsible for. 

Here is a scenario:

Barbara is a 75-year-old widow with a house worth $495,000. She still owes $125,000 on her conventional mortgage, with no other mortgage debt such as a HELOC.

Based on her age and the home’s value, she can get a reverse mortgage that would not only pay off her mortgage but give her extra funds as well that could be accessed via a line-of-credit.

She could live mortgage payment free for the remainder of her time in the home.  

A common question with reverse mortgage is who technically owns the home?  The borrower does.  They will retain the title and can make modifications or upgrades to the home.  

In addition, this is a great option for eliminating a HELOC (home equity lines of credit).

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Understanding Different Reverse Mortgage Professionals

reverse mortgage loveland fort collins greeley longmont westminster coloradoWhen you start navigating the waters of reverse mortgages, you will undoubtedly come across MANY different companies and individuals ready and willing to help.  Flashy ads, website calculators, famous spokesmen, and more.  But who are all these people?  And what is the difference between them?  How do you know what is the best fit for YOU?

Here’s some information I think anyone considering a reverse mortgage needs to know about the various professionals who work in the industry:

Banks and Credit Unions – Most local banks and credit unions do not offer reverse mortgage loans, although sometimes the larger ones will.  Unfortunately seeking a loan through them can often mean little or no face-to-face time, and it’s not uncommon for these banks to leave the industry down the road.  At one time Wells Fargo and Bank of America were in the business, but they quit, leaving their borrowers with loans that few employees can understand and little help if reverse mortgage customers need it. 

Brokers – A reverse mortgage broker is a third party individual that is licensed by the state but doesn’t work directly with a lender, instead they essentially shop the marketplace.  When working with a broker, borrowers will pay higher fees because they will have to cover the costs of the broker.  In addition, because all transactions run through a third party, things can easily get slowed down or even stalled completely.

Direct Lender Specialists – This is the category I fall into.  Working directly with a lender that specializes in FHA insured HECM reverse mortgages, such as Mutual of Omaha, direct lender specialists are able to offer local, personal, face-to-face time with clients, and eliminate the need for costly third-party fees.  We are able to do all this while ensuring the smoothest, most efficient transaction possible because they are handling the loan and not farming it out to another company.

Reverse mortgages are available to individuals and married couples age 62 and older.  These FHA insured loans allow homeowners to live mortgage and loan payment free until they pass away, permanently leave the home (meaning 12 consecutive months), or they default on financial responsibilities associated with the home, such as property taxes or homeowner’s insurance.  The funds are available via monthly installments, a line of credit, a lump sum, or even to purchase a home

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

A Guide For Adults With Aging Parents

reverse mortgage loveland fort collins greeley longmont westminster coloradoWith the holidays behind us, it’s not uncommon for adult children to reach out to me to discuss a reverse mortgage as an option to help their aging parents.  They often spend a little more time with family and may realize things are changing with their parents and in their home.  Here are my tips to helping your parents or older loved ones…

1.) Talk with them

Don’t hide your concerns or exclude them from the conversation, no matter how uncomfortable it is.  Ask them to sit with you and discuss your concerns.  Discuss their wants and needs.  Learn about their financial situation and retirement resources.  Having a honest face to face conversation is the first step to determining what is best for them.  

2.) Discuss living arrangements 

Find out what your parents want to do long term regarding their home.  Discuss what they ultimately want, and what would make them change their mind.  According to AARP, 90% of retirees want to age at home.  Do they have concerns with their home?  Do they need updates?  Is the home too big?  Too many stairs?  Do they want to move to a smaller home?  If medical care became a need, how will this be managed?

3.) Look into the various options such as insurance and reverse mortgage

When discussing how to finance potential scenarios, educating yourself about the various options such as long term care insurance and reverse mortgages will go a long way.  The two can even be used together by using some of the reverse mortgage funds to pay for long term care insurance, especially when there are medical concerns.  

4.) Come to an agreement about how much is expected out of adult children

Adult children may want to give the world to their parents, but is that really feasible?  And how do the parents feel about that?  Determining expectations all around, along with setting hard boundaries, will ease any resentment down the road.

5.) Seek out a professional

There are many resources for seniors – whether it’s community resources or elder attorneys.  When you’re unsure of the options or what is best, enlisting a professional can help to ease everyone’s mind. 

Reverse mortgages are available to homeowners 62 and over, including married couples, with many protections in place to ensure borrowers are adequately educated before using this option, such as required third-party counseling, reverse mortgages are gaining in popularity among retirees from all walks of life.  A reverse mortgage for purchase option is available for those looking to purchase a new residence.

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado, as well as the Cheyenne and Laramie communities of Wyoming.  Contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Can You Be Too Old For A Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse Mortgage Helping Seniors in Fort Collins Colorado Loveland GreeleyThe minimum age for a reverse mortgage loan is 62, but what about a maximum age?  Is anyone ever too old for a reverse mortgage?  I don’t think so, although it won’t be right for everyone. 

Reverse mortgages are available to homeowners, or those seeking to purchase a home, who are 62 and older, including married couples.  There are NO loan or mortgage payment requirements while living in the home, but they are responsible for continuing to pay property taxes, homeowners insurance, and any other associated costs such as HOA fees and utilities.  The loan becomes due when the last borrower passes away or permanently leaves the home (for 12 consecutive months).

Common reasons for seeking out a reverse mortgage include boosting retirement income, strategically protecting retirement assets or delaying the use of them, medical care, or simply to have a safety net.   The creative uses for reverse mortgages go full circle.  But what about the very elderly?  How can it help them?

I once worked with a 100 year old man to obtain a reverse mortgage on his home and fund in-home care while he continued to age.  He was able to reside at home with 24 hour care at a cost of $10,000 a month.  When I was sitting at the closing table with this client and his lawyer, the lawyer mentioned that that he could move to an assisted living facility at half the cost ($5,000/month). This gentleman’s quick, sharp answer back to everyone? “NO…. I’m staying in my home.”  And he did.  And I was honored to have helped him be able to do that.

Another example would be if a parent-adult child duo were living together as they both age.  In many of these cases, it’s common both are age eligible to be on the loan.  And why shouldn’t they be?  

Sometimes the elderly want to live out the final years of their life by sharing time and gifts with those they love.  Why not offer inheritance while you’re here and can enjoy watching those you love reap the rewards of it?  

Whatever the reason, reverse mortgage may be the answer, no matter how old the borrower is.  

One concern that can arise is whether or not the elderly can pass the financial assessment needed to obtain the reverse mortgage loan, since they likely have limited income by this point.  But older borrowers can tap a larger percentage of their home’s equity, allowing for a potential set-aside of funds to cover required expenses. The reason is that their life expectancy is shorter, meaning the expected term of their loan will be shorter, too.

Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.