Category: Retirement

Retire in Comfort – How a Reverse Mortgage Can Help

Colorado Reverse Mortgage

For many who remember the reverse mortgage scares of the yester-years, the terms ‘comfort’ and ‘reverse mortgage’ seem like an unlikely duo.  But they shouldn’t  be.


Since the FHA and HUD changed a few regulations stabilizing reverse mortgages in 2015, they have quickly been garnering new attention.  Whether looking to boost monthly income, protect retirement, or even purchase a new home, reverse mortgage is proving to be a versatile and creative tool.


Here are three ways a reverse mortgage can help make retirement more comfortable:


1.) Supplement retirement income.  With a whopping 36% of baby boomers planning to live on nothing but Social Security for retirement, utilizing a reverse mortgage to supplement retirement funds with non-taxable income from the equity of an individual’s home is a great option.  The funds can be accessed via monthly payments or a line of credit, and because the loan doesn’t come due until the borrower passes away or permanently leaves the home, they can live their retirement years both financially comfortable and in the comfort of their own home.


2.) Protect and enhance retirement portfolio.  For those who have a well prepared plan for their retirement, using a reverse mortgage line of credit to supplement their nest egg can offer great flexibility and even enhance wealth.  Some simply want to use the funds to delay Social Security until they can receive the largest amount.  Others may have investments they are looking to protect or allow to mature.  Retirement and financial planners are now discussing how a reverse mortgage can be used as part of a long term retirement plan.


3.) Purchase a retirement home.  It’s still a little known fact that a reverse mortgage can be used to purchase a new home – but it can, and it’s a great fit for so many retirees.  Whether looking to moving in to a senior community, move closer to family, or move to a dream home, using a Reverse Mortgage for Purchase should not be overlooked.  This amazing program makes the once impossible possible when it comes to home buying.


Reverse mortgage is an individualized, specialized loan for those 62 and older that allows seniors to tap into the equity of their home while living mortgage and loan payment free.  The funds can be accessed via a lump sum, line of credit, monthly installments, or even to purchase a home. If you are planning ahead, let your specialist guide you and help creatively suit your needs and desires.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder and other Front Range areas of Colorado.  Contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Tips to Visualizing and Planning Your Retirement

reverse mortgage colorado fort collins loveland greeley longmont cheyenneLife in our country continues to change and one major shift is our personal life span, we are all living much longer, ready to enjoy the latter years of our life after many years of work, much longer. Since retirement commonly now spans up to twenty years and sometimes more, moving into life without steady work income requires a plan.


Before a plan, however, it is most helpful to create a vision. If your time for retirement is near or far, it can be efficacious to ask yourself questions now, even if you might change down the road.


What are some of your retirement desires? Where would you like to live? Near family? In warm weather? What type of lifestyle do you desire? Quiet and serene in nature yet near to a small town? Active community with lots of senior social events easily available to you? When you note your desires, you can then look into the practical implications of a plan to give you what will make you happy.


In addition to writing down your desires, ask yourself a few questions about the possible challenges and how you can meet them to stay on track. What could be additional costs down the road that could hinder your vision? Consider health care costs, the expected and the unexpected. How much is it going to cost to maintain your present home? What is your debt going to require down the road? Tally with honesty these costs so they can be a part of your plan up front.


Talk about money now. Erase the unspoken assumptions that exist between you, your spouse and/or your family. These types of conversations are not always easy, but they are always fruitful. Being clear with those we love can give everyone the gift of ease when the time for you to pass does arrive. Is inheritance part of the equation? Do your children want this? How do you and your spouse look at retirement and desires? Are your desires the same? For instance, you may want to travel (higher expense) and your spouse may want to spend long hours in their garden. When it comes to inheritance, they may have a different view, have you talked about it?


Even if all the details are not worked out, the lines of communication will be open and decisions can be made from a place of consideration for all, including yourself. Oftentimes the answers can be surprising when we ask questions and allow those we love to share freely.


Once you identify your vision, and look to a plan, you may discover that reverse mortgage can be foundational to achieving your dream. Created to aid those in our society having worked all their lives to have a time of true rest, a reverse mortgage gives access to equity in your home, value that is already yours. It could eliminate expenses that limit reaching your goals, help you move from one home to the home that fits your new lifestyle, and even give a sense of ease to those with limited incomes.  It is certainly a tool worth considering for your retirement plan.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado as well as Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming. Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.