Tag: wellington

Strong Home Sales Highlight Reverse Mortgage for Purchase

reverse mortgage colorado fort collins lovelandAs existing home sales rose in December of 2013, the year ended with the strongest sales since 2006, as reported by Realtor.org report.  This is great news according to Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, who said housing has experienced a strong and encouraging recovery over the past two years.


“Existing-home sales have risen nearly 20 percent since 2011, with job growth, record low mortgage interest rates and a large pent-up demand driving the market,” Yun said. “We lost some momentum toward the end of 2013 from disappointing job growth and limited inventory, but we ended with a year that was close to normal given the size of our population.”


The national median existing-home price for all of 2013 was $197,100, which is 11.5 percent above the 2012 median of $176,800.


What does this mean for reverse mortgages?  Well, it may mean it’s the perfect time to consider a reverse mortgage for purchase.   Here’s how the program works:


For seniors 62 and over, with minimal credit and income requirements, home buyers are able to use reverse mortgage to purchase a new home. The amount of the down payment required from the buyer will depend on the amount of the home they are purchasing. But unlike a conventional loan, not only will the lender provide the funds to make up the difference between the home price and the down payment, the new home owners will also be able to live mortgage payment free for as long as they remain in the home.


There are two scenarios that may signal the time is right for you to consider a reverse mortgage for purchase.  Such as:


Possibly you’re looking to sell your existing home and move to a community or house that better fits your needs?  With the strength in the housing market and thinning inventory, this could be a great time to consider selling your current home.  And with a reverse mortgage for purchase, there are options that allow you to purchase while the current home is still for sale.

And of course, if purchasing a new home is your only goal, jumping in as a buyer before the market becomes overly competitive and home prices rise, usually proves to be beneficial.  And not only will the reverse mortgage supplement the existing proceeds when making the purchase, it can also mean the buyer will not need to drain all of their funds, freeing income up for other things – such as medical bills, in home care, or even vacations.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

How to Alleviate HELOC Payment Shock with Reverse Mortgage

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Financial Planning
At the peak of the housing boom thousands of Loveland and Fort Collins homeowners tapped into their biggest asset – their home – and took out a home equity line of credit or a HELOC.  Many of these loans are set to amortize after 10 years, meaning these borrowers are about to see some serious payment shock as their loans readjust and their payments now include interest and principal.  The Office of Comptroller of the Currency estimates that 60% of all HELOC balances will start amortizing between 2014 and 2017, and resetting to higher payments could cause a jump in delinquencies.  In addition, analysts at Moody’s Investor Services are warning banks of impending losses, worrying this situation may prove problematic, just as payment adjustments during the 2008 housing crisis did.


For retirees already living on a fixed income, borrowers may scramble to make these adjustments fit into their budgets.  But homeowners 62 and over have another option – reverse mortgage.  With a reverse mortgage seniors have the ability to not only alleviate any impending HELOC payment shock but also live mortgage payment free throughout retirement – all with minimal income and credit requirements.  Once a homeowner has obtained a reverse mortgage, they are able to receive their funds in a one-time lump sum or as monthly payments made directly to them.


This scenario is also something to consider for homeowners currently considering a HELOC to make home repairs or improvements.  Considering the difference between a home equity loan and a reverse mortgage is important when developing a long term plan.  Learn more about HELOC vs Reverse Mortgage here.
Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado. Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.


A Retirement Crisis by the Numbers

colorado reverse mortgage fort collins denver loveland greeley windsorNumbers are being released showing that the impending retirement crisis may be worse than originally thought.


Half of Americans have less than $10,000 in savings.  Nearly half of the oldest Baby Boomer generation have insufficient resources to pay for basic retirement living expenses and healthcare costs.


The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College estimates that our “retirement income deficit” is $6.6 trillion. That number represents the gap between pension and retirement savings that American households have today and what they should have to maintain their standard of living in retirement.


Over 6 million American seniors are living in poverty.  This number is expected to grow by 33% by the year 2020.

Continue reading “A Retirement Crisis by the Numbers”

Can a Reverse Mortgage Help a Loved One this Holiday Season?

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Loveland Fort Collins Greeley LongmontThis time of year is often one of insight for adult children as they travel to visit their elderly parents or loved ones.  Of course, these special visits are filled with a sense of joy and love.  Catching up, reminiscing about old times, visiting with grand children.  But it can also be a time filled with anxiety and worry – especially if aging loved ones are having difficulties in their current home – sometimes more so than previously realized.  Questions will arise about their future; questions surrounding their long-term needs and their ability to meet them in the current situation.


In order to better sort through these thoughts, here are a few questions to ponder:


• Are they able to get around by him or herself? Are there stairs in the home?


• Is this person able to take medications without assistance? Is there a health concern that would require more regular supervision, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s?


• Is your parent able to manage mortgage payments, home-owners insurance payments, and property taxes. Is the home outdated and in need of frequent repairs – such as a furnace, roofing, electricity?


• Where is this home located? Is it in close proximity to relatives, hospitals, etc? Or is it secluded and away from town?


• Is this person lonely? Has he or she suffered the loss of a spouse? Does he or she have a solid social group or close friends?


Based on the answers to these questions, aging in place may be an option.  If there are financial strains and they wish to stay in their current home, a traditional reverse mortgage may help alleviate financial worries or even provide funds for in home care.  If the current home does not seem to be appropriate long term – whether due to location, stairs, or needed repairs – a reverse mortgage for purchase may allow them to purchase a new home that is more suitable to their needs or closer to family.  Both reverse mortgage options are available to seniors 62 and over, with minimal income and credit requirements.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Reverse Mortgage Boosts Cash Home Buyers

Reverse Mortgage Loveland Fort Collins ColoradoIn this day and age, buying a home with cash is rare.  And not because of the reasons you may think – such as who has that much cash nowadays?  Well, that is part of the reason, but it’s a little more complicated than that.  Those who have a substantial amount of cash are finding there are no homes available in their price range and suddenly they don’t have enough cash to be a true “cash buyer”.  This diminishes their hopes of living mortgage payment free.  For example, if a retired couple sells their home or allots other funds amounting to $170,000 for a new home, they will suddenly be facing a new dilemma – finding a home to meet their needs, that doesn’t need repairs, and is in the community they wish to live.  With home prices quickly recovering in the Loveland and Fort Collins area, this scenario is playing out ever more often.


This is where the Reverse Mortgage for Purchase program can provide a solution.  Not only will the program add funds to the buyer’s available cash making up the difference needed to purchase an appropriate home, it will also allow that buyer to live mortgage payment free.


Here’s how it works:


For seniors 62 and over, with minimal credit and income requirements, home buyers are able to use reverse mortgage to purchase a new home.  The amount of the down payment required from the buyer will depend on the amount of the home they are purchasing.  But unlike a conventional loan, not only will the lender provide the funds to make up the difference between the home price and the down payment, the new home owners will also be able to live mortgage payment free for as long as they remain in the home, freeing up income for other things – such as medical bills, in home care, or even vacations.


Click here to learn more about the Reverse Mortgage for Purchase program (aka HECM for Purhcase).


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado as well as Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming.

Reverse Mortgage Helps Widow Buy a Home

colorado reverse mortgage fort collins denver loveland greeley windsor
It’s a scenario all to familiar for the elderly in Northern Colorado…


A spouse passes away leaving behind a widow.  The remaining partner wants to move closer to family.  But there’s a catch – although the widow’s current home is owned outright, they would typically need to sell it before they could purchase another.   And they wish to move to an area where the median home price is much higher than the home available to sell.


Reverse mortgage for purchase may be an excellent option for this widow.  Let’s look at the scenario in detail:


Predicament #1: Widow needs to sell current home before purchasing a new home.


Solution: With a reverse mortgage for purchase, this widow would not need to sell the home immediately.  Any personal funds or assets used to purchase the new home could be replenished when the current home sells – and the funds from a reverse mortgage would supplement the initial funds needed.  This would allow her to move and get settled immediately.


Predicament #2: The cost of a home in the area the widow is moving is much higher than where she currently lives, meaning the proceeds from her current home sale will not cover the entire purchase.


Solution: When utilizing a reverse mortgage for purchase, her out of pocket cost would be substantially supplemented.  For example if she anticipates selling her current home for $200,000 and purchasing a home for $300,000, the reverse mortgage may cover the $100,000 difference allowing her to live mortgage payment free and best of all – near her family.


Reverse Mortgage for Purchase (aka: HECM for Purchase) is an FHA insured program for seniors 62 and over, with minimal income and credit requirements.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado as well as Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming.


Marisol Senior Living Community in Loveland, Colorado

Marisol Senior Living Loveland Colorado - Reverse MortgageI recently had the honor of contributing to a piece in “At Home“, the real estate insert included in Loveland’s Reporter Herald newspaper.  This piece highlighted a beautiful senior community called Marisol Senior Living located in south-west Loveland and I was pleased to discuss the reverse mortgage options available.


About Marisol Senior Living


Marisol is a 35 acre living community designed for seniors 55 and older.  Housing options within the community include apartments, duplexes, and single family homes.  With varied programs, a fitness center, free continental breakfast, bike trails and much more, this community is all inclusive for those wishing to socialize and stay busy year round.  In addition, northern Colorado has long been considered one of the best places to retire in the nation – making Marisol even more attractive.


Using Reverse Mortgage to Purchase


Conventional financing is often the first stop when considering purchasing a new home, but at Marisol, reverse mortgage for purchase options are available for seniors 62 and older, with no income and credit requirements.  Often times seniors will have substantial equity in their current home, but be leery of taking out a new loan and managing monthly mortgage payments, thus they stay in a home that no longer meets their needs.  A reverse mortgage can be a great way to get into a new home without these worries.  When purchasing a new home with reverse mortgage the down payment is determined based on the purchaser’s age and the value of the home and all loans are backed by the FHA.  Learn more about how reverse mortgage can be used to purchase a home here.


For more information about obtaining a reverse mortgage in the Marisol Community or elsewhere, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (970) 646-8908 or via email here.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado as well as Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming.

Reverse Mortgage for Purchase by the Numbers

Reverse Mortgage for Purchase Loveland Fort Collins Greeley ColoradoThe Reverse Mortgage for Purchase product allows seniors 62 years and older to use a reverse mortgage to purchase a home all in one transaction.  By utilizing this product, along with a down payment, older Americans can fulfill their dreams of living closer to family, move to a senior community, downsize or upsize without a monthly mortgage payment.


With minimal credit and income requirements, many individuals are able to take advantage of this government insured program.  Eligible properties include existing single family homes and FHA approved condominiums.


Here is an example of how the program works:


Rich and Carole Swartz want to sell their home and purchase a new home, they are 75 years old.  They sell their existing home for $400,000 and use $100,000 of the proceeds to pay off their existing mortgage.  That leaves them with $300,000 cash from the sale.


Now assume they want to downsize into a home that costs $300,000.  Reverse mortgage proceeds would be $200,000 and the Swartz’s would need to contribute $100,000, leaving them with $200,000 after the purchase.

But what if they want to upsize to a home valued at $500,000?  Reverse mortgage proceeds in this scenario would be $334,000 and the Swartz’s would be required to pay $166,000 leaving them with $134,000 cash after the purchase.


Either situation, they now live now live in their new home, free of a monthly mortgage payment, and have cash left over from the sale of their previous home.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado as well as Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming.  

FAQ’s about Reverse Mortgage for Purchase

reverse mortgage colorado fort collins loveland


In a recent blog article, I discussed the various options to use reverse mortgage to purchase a home.  One of those options is the Reverse Mortgage for Purchase program (aka HECM for Purchase).  This is an excellent option to acquire a home in Fort Collins, Loveland or Greeley, Colorado – and offers flexible options for varying situations.


In this article I’m going to answer some frequently asked questions regarding this program.

What is needed to qualify for a Reverse Mortgage for Purchase loan?

  • you must be age 62 or older (each borrower on title must meet this criteria, although others residing in home do not)
  • the home you are purchasing must be your new primary residence
  • credit and income are irrelevant
  • you must have your “required investment” (down payment) from a HUD allowable source. The funds cannot be borrowed. The required investment can come from the sale of a currently owned asset or money you have had for at least 90 days.

Who owns the home that I am purchasing?


As the borrower and homeowner, you will always retain the title to the home, just like any other type of home loan.

What will my personal ongoing obligations be after purchasing a home?


It’s very similar to if you owned your home free and clear – you will NOT have a monthly mortgage payment.  But as the homeowner, you will be responsible for paying property taxes, home owner’s insurance, HOA fees when applicable, and basic upkeep including home maintenance and utility payments.

When will the loan become due and payable?


With a Reverse Mortgage for Purchase the loan does not reach “maturity” until:

  • the last remaining borrower passes away
  • the homeowner sells the home
  • the last remaining borrower leaves the home for 12 consecutive months due to illness
  • the homeowner defaults on property taxes or insurance

Will I need to sell my my current home residence to qualify?


Simply put, no. As long as the loan on your current residence is not an FHA loan and your required investment comes from a HUD allowable source, you can keep your current residence – although it will need to be your primary residence. Your lender will ensure you are financially stable enough to support the ongoing obligations on all properties you own. If you decide to keep your current residence as an investment, rental, or vacation property – or you are awaiting the sale of home, it is rarely a problem.

What types of properties can I purchase?


Single family homes, town homes, and FHA approved condos are all eligible properties. The home being purchased will need to be the buyer’s primary residence.

Can I use the loan to build a new home?


These loans cannot be used as construction loans. Homes must have a Certificate of Occupancy issued before a loan application can be started

How is the “Required Investment” amount determined?


The “required investment” or down payment is determined by a calculation set by HUD based on:

  • The lesser of the sale price or appraised value
  • The age of the youngest of the borrowers
  • The current expected interest rate

What may disqualify me from a Reverse Mortgage for Purchase loan?

  • Foreclosures within the past 3 years.
  • Unresolved bankruptcy
  • Unpaid Federal obligations – i.e. federal taxes, defaults on prior government backed loans (such as student loans or government backed mortgages)
  • Income too low to support multiple properties
  • Unpaid judgments or tax liens

What is the HUD required “Reverse Mortgage Counseling”?


Prior to being approved for a reverse mortgage, HUD’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requires each borrow to participate in a counseling session with an approved agency. These not-for-profit agencies are funded by the federal government and work closely with both the FHA and lenders to ensure a smooth process.  The goal of this session is not to steer a potential borrower in one direction or another, but to make sure they clearly understand all aspects of a reverse mortgage.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado as well as Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Summer Vacation, Adult Children, and Reverse Mortgage

reverse mortgage colorado fort collins loveland greeleyAs summer vacation is nearing an end, many of us are reflecting on our experiences during the past couple of months.  Maybe you took your children on a camping trip or to Disneyland.  Possibly you flew overseas to experience a new culture.  Or maybe you took a road trip to visit your aging parents or other loved ones.  If you visited with elderly family members, it likely came with mixed emotions.  Every year they are a little older – and for some, every year brings just a little more worry.


This is very common after a visit.  It may raise concerns about health or finances, and questions about how aging parents will continue to cope.  If you’re wondering when and how you need to intervene, ask yourself these questions:

Continue reading “Summer Vacation, Adult Children, and Reverse Mortgage”