Tag: wellington

How Reverse Mortgage Works in Fort Collins, CO

reverse mortgage colorado loveland fort collinsThe beautiful areas of Fort Collins and Loveland, Colorado are home to many retirees and seniors.  Year after year, this area makes news as one of the best places in the nation to retire.  Elderly adults stay active, family loves to come visit, and with over 300 days of sunshine per year, it’s hard to ever want to leave!


Now, imagine living in your home mortgage free, or enjoying monthly proceeds for life, both scenarios benefiting from the years you’ve invested in your home. A reverse mortgage is a unique tool designed for seniors 62 and older regardless of income or credit. You enjoy access to part of the equity in your home and the freedom and comfort of the home you’ve known for so many years. It’s your home, now you can put it to work for you.

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Fulfilling Dreams with Reverse Mortgage in Fort Collins, CO

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Fort Collins Loveland Windsor Longmont GreeleyI recently ran across a hard hitting article titled “Do I Have to Die Early to Avoid Poverty?”.  What a powerful title.  But the truth is, I meet people everyday who are forced to ask this questions of themselves.  Our whole lives, we work hard, raise a family, save for retirement, hope we’re blessed enough to watch our grandchildren and even our great-grandchildren grow – but then for many, as we age, the thought of funds running out before we die becomes a looming worry.  Often, regardless of strategic retirement planning, the elderly live on a strict budget with monthly allotments of funds and will have calculated that based on the age they will likely pass away.  But what if they are lucky enough to live beyond these projections?


Using reverse mortgage as a retirement planning tool can make a world of difference for those wishing to live fulfilling lives and not face the scenario described above.  Sometimes this looks as simple as supplementing income to make sure everyone is comfortable throughout the golden years.  Other times it means drawing from reverse mortgage in a lump sum with the desire to spend it on family while the borrower is still alive and can reap the personal rewards, instead of waiting until after they’ve passed to distribute inheritance.  Other times it can be the lifeline to prevent savings from running out and fearing ending up in poverty if they’re blessed enough to live a long life.


Reverse mortgage is available to homeowners (single, widowed, or married) 62 and over regardless of income or credit.  Funds can be distributed monthly or in a lump sum – and can be used for any purpose the borrower sees fit.  Reverse mortgages are also more frequently being utilized as a retirement or financial planning tool as planners are working with reputable lenders to ensure their clients are fully informed of their options.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.


Jan Jordan 1310 KFKA Radio Saturday, June 29th

Jan Jordan Reverse Mortgage Loveland Fort Collins Greeley Colorado
Jan Jordan, Reverse Mortgage Specialist, will be on Northern Colorado’s 1310 KFKA radio Saturday, June 29th from 8am – 10am.  Jan will be discussing reverse mortgage on Jim Saulnier and Chris Stein’s weekly IRA and Retirement show.  You can listen live by tuning your radio to 1310AM or find the live stream online here.  If you miss Satuday’s show, it can be accessed later via podcast here (note: podcast won’t be available for approx 10 days).   1310 KFKA is a popular AM station in the Greeley, Loveland, Windsor, and Fort Collins areas.


Reverse mortgage is available to senior homeowners 62 and over, regardless of income or credit.  Many borrowers use their proceeds to supplement their monthly income, fund extraordinary medical expenses, or to live a more fulfilled life with family before passing away.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

How Reverse Mortgage is Helping the Baby Boomers

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Fort Collins Loveland GreeleyWhile the “baby boomer” generation inches towards retirement, the economy in many areas is still rather dismal.  Many took major losses in the 2008 economic meltdown, losing their hopes for a prosperous retirement.  In situations such as this, reverse mortgage is becoming an important piece of retirement planning.  Seniors, 62 years and older and regardless of income or credit, now have the ability to fund their retirement using the equity in their homes, alleviating mortgage payments, and receiving either a lump sum or monthly pay-outs as long as the borrower(s) remain in the residence.  For many, this option makes a world of difference, allowing for the sought after prosperous retirement years instead of barely scraping by on a budget.  Reverse mortgage funds can be used for any purpose the borrower chooses, and is often used to help with every day expenses or long term medical costs.


Continue reading “How Reverse Mortgage is Helping the Baby Boomers”

Understanding Elder Law

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Fort Collins Greeley LovelandElder law is a relatively unknown segment of law and is often overlooked when seeking legal solutions.  But for some seniors and their families an elder law attorney may be exactly what they need.  Elder law is very broad and includes things like estate planning, probate, guardianship, real estate, nursing home neglect and a dozen other areas of law that affect the elderly. Typically one lawyer will not have expertise in every area, but will instead work with a network of attorneys who can supplement in specific areas when needed and vice versa.  Also, keep in mind just because an individual is elderly does not mean they need an elder law attorney.  Elder law is focused on legal problems specific to the elderly.  Concerns with other areas of law may best be handled by attorneys dedicated to those areas.


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Frequently Asked Questions – Part 2

Reverse Mortgage Colorado Fort Collins Loveland Greeley
This is the second in a three part series of frequently asked questions about Reverse Mortgage.  You can find Part 1 here and Part 3 here.  If you have questions that are not currently listed, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.


Can I get a Reverse Mortgage even if I have an existing mortgage?


You may qualify for a reverse mortgage even if you still owe money on an existing mortgage. The existing loan will be paid off first with the reverse mortgage funds, then the remainder of the funds will be given to you.  This scenario would apply as long as the amount of the reverse mortgage is larger than the existing loan.  For example: if you owe $100,000 on an existing mortgage and you qualify for $125,000 under the reverse mortgage program, under these circumstances you would still have $25,000 left over to do with as you wish AND you would no longer have a mortgage payment.


Continue reading “Frequently Asked Questions – Part 2”

Frequently Asked Questions – Part 1

reverse mortgage colorado fort collins loveland

This is the first in a three part series of frequently asked questions about Reverse Mortgage.  Find Part 2 here and Part 3 here.  If you have questions that are not currently listed, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.


Are There Any Special Requirements to Get a Reverse Mortgage?


In order to qualify for a reverse mortgage, you must own your home, be at least 62 years old, and have some equity in your home.  There are no income, credit, or medical requirements.


How Much Money Can I Get?


In general, the older you are (or the youngest borrower in the case of couples) and the more valuable your home, the more money you can get.  Other factors also come into play, such as: the appraised home value, interest rates, and the amount of equity in your home.


Does My Home Qualify?


Eligible properties include single-family homes, 2-4 unit properties, modular homes, condominiums, and townhouses.  This home must also be your primary residence.


What are My Payment Plan Options?


Funds from a reverse mortgage can be received all at once as a lump sum, as fixed monthly payments for a set term or for as long as you live in the home, as a line of credit which allows you to draw on the loan proceeds at any time, or a combination of all these.


How Can I Use the Proceeds from a Reverse Mortgage?


Their are no restrictions as to how the proceeds from a reverse mortgage can be used.  Whether it is to supplement retirement income, to cover your living expenses, to repair/modify your home, to pay for medical expenses, prevent foreclosure, pay off existing debts, or simply do something for nice yourself, no one can tell you how you must spend your money.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

Reverse Mortgage and the Alternatives

Reverse Mortgage


Home equity accounts for approximately 70% of a senior’s assets, not including social security or pension.  Often times tapping into this equity becomes inevitable when facing health crisis or financial restrictions in retirement.  Using home equity should be part of a larger financial plan and there are a few ways it can be incorporated.


Reverse Mortgage


A reverse mortgage is available to seniors 62 and older regardless of income or credit.  Homeowners who obtain these loans do not make monthly mortgage or loan payments but  instead receive either a lump sum of money or monthly installments paid directly to them based on the equity in their home.   The loan does not have to be repaid until the last borrower passes away, at which time there are options available to heirs.  The amount of the loan depends on the amount of equity in the home and the age of the borrowers – the older the borrower, the more money they can receive.  This is an excellent option for seniors on a fixed income, with questionable retirement funds, or declining health.


Home Equity Loan


A home equity loan also taps into equity by borrowing money against the home.  This type of loan will be processed as a conventional loan and income and credit restrictions will apply, as well as monthly payments will need to be made to the lender.  If income is fixed, it could be unlikely a senior will qualify for a home equity loan.  Any health or future financial concerns should be thoroughly thought through prior to taking out a home equity loan.  Loading up the home with debt during retirement can be risky and could result in loss of the home if the borrowers are unable to make their monthly payments.




Another option would be to downsize all together by selling the existing home and moving into a more modest situation.  Depending on the amount of equity in the home, a homeowner may be able to sell the home for enough money to comfortably be able to make rent or mortgage payments for 10 to 20  years.  Just as with a home equity loan, this option could be risky for a person with health concerns as the funds set aside for housing could be needed elsewhere.


Before making any major decisions regarding how to effectively use the equity in your home, it is best to consult with a financial adviser and a reputable reverse mortgage lender.


Jan Jordan is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Front Range areas of Colorado.  Click here to contact Jan and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.